Recent Projects
Community Needs Assessment, Clutha District
The research for Clutha Development explored wellbeing needs, strengths and challenges, and service gaps and needs across the district and its distinct geographic, cultural and age-based communities.
Project Lead for major qualitative research regarding Young People and Pornography for Te Mana Whakaatu Classification Office, under subcontract to The Collaborative Trust for Research and Training in Youth Health and Development, 2019-2020
This project, the qualitative follow-up to a large-scale quantitative survey of 14-17-year-old New Zealanders, involved in-depth interviews with 52 14-17-year-olds from throughout the country, with interviews conducted by Sarah and by a team of young researchers trained and supported by Sarah and the Collaborative Trust’s research manager.
NZ Dynata Supreme Award 2021 Winner: Social, Community and Not For Profit Category (Platinum) 2021.
The project has attained international acclaim, and underpinned a recent advertising campaign by the Department of Internal Affairs and work reviewing the health education curriculum and creating resources for parents. You can read the report here.
School-Based Health Service Enhancement Project: Workforce Development
Working with colleagues from The Collaborative Trust for Research and Training in Youth Health and Development, Sarah supported SYHPANZ in developing the school-based health service workforce through exciting research.
Social Impact Assessment of Class 4 Gambling, Wairarapa (South Wairarapa Masterton and Carterton District Councils), Westland District
This research for the respective Councils presented the research and legislative context regarding pokies and TAB venues in their communities and across Aotearoa New Zealand, drew together both quantitative and qualitative data around current gambling behaviours and gambling-related harm in the district, and helped inform future policy.
Action Focused Service Mapping Research – tamariki and rangatahi 0-18 years and their whānau in Hurunui and Waimakariri: Research for Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust funded by Oranga Tamariki Partnering for Outcomes 2021
Sarah led this project and drew in the quantitative skills of Nicola Morton. Utilising in-depth scoping and a collaborative approach, this newly completed project identified service gaps and recommended additional services and approaches best-placed to meet the wellbeing needs of whānau across communities with a wide geographic spread.
Covid-19 Welfare Recovery Research for Ashburton District: Caring for Communities Welfare Recovery Group, Safer Mid Canterbury, 2020
Ashburton’s Covid-19 Welfare Recovery Group wanted to take an evidence-based approach to developing their recovery plan for the district, and the research was executed over a tight timeframe to enable this to occur, gathering data from a wide range of informants to identify and prioritise community wellbeing needs.
South Island research Lead on the Ngā Haerenga research project – a three-year longitudinal qualitative research exploring experience of transition from Oranga Tamariki Care, for Oranga Tamariki and under sub-contract to The Collaborative Trust for Research and Training in Youth Health and Development, 2020-2022
This project involves engagement with young people as they age out of the care of Oranga Tamariki and transition towards independent adulthood and gathering their stories of transition, their goals, aspirations, strengths and challenges via a series of interviews.
Project Lead – Development of Outcomes Framework for Cholmondeley Children’s Centre, under sub-contract to The Collaborative for Research and Training in Youth Health and Development 2018
A programme logic model was developed in strong collaboration with all Cholmondeley staff, and from this a full suite of data collection tools and approaches were developed for the Centre to evidence its practice. The emphasis was on meaningful data collection and useable, meaningful monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
Other projects undertaken over the past four years include: